Hey Hey Guys,
So the other day, I found the first ever Optimus Prime that I got. This being the Transformers Armada version. This originally cost me £9.99 from Woolworths (I know most of you won't remember, it was back in the days when i was young)
Anywho, this made me think, why not place the three optimus's I have (I have more, but i only placed the ones with Trailers in the photos) So this is what i have done. Below you will see all of the images i took. It doesn't matter which way you place them, or how far apart you place them all...the DOTM ultimate prime is by far the biggest, both in Vehicle mode, and as i like to call it "Super mode"
The thing I like about all these optimus primes' is they use their trailors to get bigger (or in the case of energon one, uses parts with in the trailer- Hence why this one is smaller)]
So here are the photos...and oh...you thought the DOTM super mode had crap articulation...you should see the Armada Prime's Legs.

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