Hey hey guys,
So Saturday 24th March 2012, I went down to see my brother, to give him his birthday present. However, as I bought him a gift I was over come with extreme jealousy! I wanted some new stuff too.
I headed down to my local toys r us, and to my shock they had some of the Vintage collection Phantom Menace figures (Actually they had all of them, dunno why i said some, but now i am too lazy to click on the some, delete it and change it to all)
I am rather skint at the moment, but still took a few moments to crack open my bank and get six fantastic figures
Daultay Dofine
So first up we had Daultay Dofine- oddly enough he was the first one I actually wanted to pick up, and I have to say, what a figure, fantastic articulation, awesome sculpt, and a free blaster too.
Hasbro, you do spoil us
This was the second guy I went for. This is the second release of this figure, the first we saw was the 1999 figure. Yes that figure was nice, but compared to this one, it really lacked
Included in this "Ball jointed everywhere" child comes with a Jedi training helmet..thing, a lightsabre, an unlit lightsabre and a training...ball
So Hasbro didn't try and skank us with this figure and what he lost in size was made up for in accessories
Battle Droid
This was the guy i picked up a bit hesitantly, and once i got him home, i realised why
The face sculpt is wayyyy off, and the size of the figure is smaller than even the Clone Wars Battle Droid
He comes with two interchangeable backpacks so you can make it a leader or just a normal battle droid - in my eyes though, get the saga legends.
Naboo Royal Guard
I believe this is the first time we have seen this figure, and what a time to come out, when Hasbro are at the top of their game with all this articulation.
I love this figure, and i am loving the highly detailed blasters that come with em
This guy only comes with a removable helmet and gun, but this is allowed as the figure is top notch
Ratts Tyerell & Pit Droid
As we have all seen, i have slowly been getting all the podracing pilots, so to see this guy was awesome, articulation on these two are rubbish, but for a figure so small, that is to be expected.
The additional pit droid, weapon, removable helmet and detail just sell this figure
Just a shame, the picture on the cardback is the photo two seconds before he dies....
Ben Quadinaros & Otoga-222
As i just mentioned before, seeing podracing pilots in the vintage collection just feeds my addiction
Compared to Ratts, this guy as fantastic articulation, bit lacking in neck and body, but that's cos his neck is his body.
The pit droid is lacking in articulation but that is to be expected
The both of these make an awesome pack though